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Dear Fathers and Mothers,

Thank you for taking the time to prepare for the baptism of your child. Life is a blessing and a gift from God, and we rejoice with you in the life of your child! The Sacrament of Baptism is the gateway to the spiritual life: it frees us from sin, gives us new birth as children of God, and unites us with Jesus and his Catholic Church.

The following are frequently asked questions answered about baptismal procedures at our parish.

How long do I wait to have my child baptized?

It is best to have the child baptized sooner than later. The Church recommends baptism of infants in the first few weeks following birth. Infant Baptism includes children from birth until their 6th Birthday. If your child is 7 years of age or older, please contact the Director of Religious Education for more information regarding your child’s reception of the Sacraments of Initiation.


Do I need to be a registered member of the parish to have my child baptized?

At least ONE parent must be a registered parishioner at St. Clare, since the parish provides vital resources and a supportive environment that will help you to nurture your family’s spiritual life. The registration process is simple; please contact the parish office for information. If you are registered in the parish, but happen to live outside our parish boundaries, you must show active participation in the community for at least 6 months. If you are not a member of our parish, we will need a permission letter from your parish to celebrate the baptism at St. Clare Church. 


Is there a baptismal preparation class?

Yes. BOTH Parents and BOTH godparents are required to attend a pre-baptismal class that explains the Sacrament of Baptism and their important responsibilities as parents and godparents in the child’s spiritual life. Please contact the parish office to register for the in-person class; online classes are NOT allowed. Be aware that Spanish language Pre-Baptism classes are also available at St. Clare. If you cannot attend our in-person class, we will accept a certificate or letter for the class from another Catholic parish. A     pre-baptismal interview is also a requirement in the baptismal process. If the parents are not married in the Catholic Church, they will meet with a priest or deacon of our parish for the interview.


When is the pre baptism class?

Baptism classes are held every 2 months- in English on the FIRST Wednesday of the month* 7pm-9pm and in Spanish on the THIRD Wednesday of the month 7pm-9pm. Please contact the Parish Office to register for any of these dates.

What if I have already attended a pre baptismal preparation class before?

If you have attended a Catholic pre baptismal preparation class within the last two years, you do not need to attend the class again. Please provide us with a certificate/letter of attendance.


What do I need to consider when choosing a godparent?

Please pray about your selection of a godparent. It is a great blessing to surround your children with authentic witnesses to the Catholic Faith who will help you in your responsibility as Catholic parent(s). You must choose at least one godparent who is a practicing Catholic and who meets ALL the following qualifications:

  • Must have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist.
  •  Must be at least 16 years old.
  • Cannot be the parent of the person being baptized.
  • Must not be under any penalty of Church law, such as excommunication.
  • Attends Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligations; regularly receives Holy Communion & Reconciliation (Confession).
  • If married, must be married in the Catholic Church, and living according to Church teaching.
  • Catholics married in a non-Catholic ceremony without special permission of the bishop, and those cohabitating (living together) do not meet the requirements of this role.

It is customary for children to have two godparents (one male and one female). As noted, only ONE Catholic godparent is required. You may choose a “Christian witness” in place of a second godparent to support your child to live as a disciple of Jesus. This “Christian witness” must be a baptized Christian (at least 16 years of age) who is an active, participating member in the Christian community which he/she attends.



How do I set a date for the baptism?

Baptisms can be scheduled through the parish office for celebration in a group with other children. The date cannot be confirmed until all documents have been received and preparation requirements have been completed.



When are baptisms?

Baptisms are held in English on the 2nd Saturdays* of the month at 11:00am and in Spanish on the 4th Saturday of the month* at 11:00am. All Baptisms must be scheduled through the parish office beforehand.

*Dates are subject to change


What documents do I need to provide to the office?

All required documents listed above can be submitted in paper form to the office or sent as an email attachment to 

Please include the name of the child on the subject line.

What is the normal donation?

While the Church does not charge a set fee for Sacraments, an envelope will be provided to you in order to make a freewill donation. We ask that this donation be in proportion with your other expenses for the day, which can be given by cash or check.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the parish office at:

Email |

Phone | (661)252-3353

Parish Office Hours:

Tuesday-Friday 9:00am-12:30pm, 1:30pm-5:00pm

Class dates and baptism dates are subject to change

Pre Baptism Class Registration

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